Rebecca Dridan

Research Interests
- Combining statistics and deep NLP
- Parser evaluation
- Parse ranking
- Cross-framework parser comparison
- Japanese, and in general, multilingual NLP
- Question answering
Current Research
Most of my current projects involve enhancing deep parsing with statistics, specifically using the PET HPSG parser. In October, 2011 I moved to the University of Oslo to take up a postdoctoral position on the WeSearch project. Previous to that, I was employed for two years on the OLE project (Online Linguistic Exploration: Deeper, Faster, Broader Language Documentation) at the University of Melbourne, where my main role was to produce large amounts of multilingual parsed text. Both project have involved looking at supertagging configurations that can prioritise robustness or efficiency. I'm also looking at using statistical information to improve parsing of under-resourced languages, through developing methods of training statistical models without manual annotation.
I have a few side projects involving parser evaluation, looking at questions regarding how deep parsers should be evaluated, what is common between different frameworks, and what these differences mean in practice.
- Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger, Lilja Øvrelid and Emanuele Lapponi: "On Different Approaches to Syntactic Analysis Into Bi-Lexical Dependencies An Empirical Comparison of Direct, PCFG-Based, and HPSG-Based Parsers" in Journal of Language Modelling 4(1) (2016) [pdf bib]
- Ned Letcher, Rebecca Dridan and Timothy Baldwin: "gDelta: a missing link in the grammar engineering toolchain" in Language Resources and Evaluation 49(1) (2015) [pdf bib]
- Woodley Packard, Emily M. Bender, Jonathon Read, Stephan Oepen and Rebecca Dridan: "Simple Negation Scope Resolution through Deep Parsing: A Semantic Solution to a Semantic Problem" in Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore, USA (2014) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Stephan Oepen: "Document parsing: Towards realistic syntactic analysis" in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, Nara, Japan (2013) [pdf bib]
- Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger and Lilja Øvrelid: "On different approaches to syntactic analysis into bi-lexical dependencies: An empirical comparison of direct, PCFG-based, and HPSG-based parsers" in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, Nara, Japan (2013) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan: "Ubertagging. Joint segmentation and supertagging for English" in Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2013), Seattle, USA (2013) [pdf bib]
- Jonathon Read, Rebecca Dridan and Stephan Oepen: "Simple and accountable segmentation of marked-up text" in Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics , Oslo, Norway (2013) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Stephan Oepen: "Tokenization. Returning to a long solved problem. A survey, contrastive experiment, recommendations, and toolkit" in Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, Republic of Korea (2012) [pdf bib]
- Andrew MacKinlay, Rebecca Dridan, Diana McCarthy, and Timothy Baldwin: "The effects of semantic annotations on precision parse ranking" in Proceedings of the 1st Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Montreal, Canada (2012) [pdf bib]
- Jonathon Read, Rebecca Dridan, Stephan Oepen and Lars Jørgen Solberg: "Sentence boundary detection: A long solved problem?" in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Mumbai, India (2012) [pdf bib]
- Jonathon Read, Dan Flickinger, Rebecca Dridan, Stephan Oepen and Lilja Øvrelid: "The WeSearch Corpus, Treebank, and Treecache. A comprehensive sample of user-generated content" in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey (2012) [pdf bib]
- Emily M. Bender, Sumukh Ghodke, Timothy Baldwin and Rebecca Dridan: "From database to treebank: On enhancing hypertext grammars with grammar engineering and treebank search" in Electronic Grammaticography, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press (2012) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Stephan Oepen: "Parser evaluation using elementary dependency matching" in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, Dublin, Ireland (2011) [pdf bib]
- Andrew MacKinlay, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger, Stephan Oepen and Timothy Baldwin: "Using external treebanks to filter parse forests for parse selection and treebanking" in Proceedings of the 2011 International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2011) [pdf bib]
- Andrew MacKinlay, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger and Timothy Baldwin: "Cross-domain effects on parse selection for precision grammars" in Research on Language and Computation, 8 (2010) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Timothy Baldwin: "Unsupervised Parse Selection for HPSG", in Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2010), Cambridge, USA (2010) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan: "Using Lexical Statistics to Improve HPSG Parsing", PhD Thesis, Saarland University (2009) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan, Valia Kordoni and Jeremy Nicholson: "Enhancing Performance of Lexicalised Grammars", in Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Columbus, USA (2008) [pdf bib]
- Jeremy Nicholson, Valia Kordoni, Yi Zhang, Timothy Baldwin and Rebecca Dridan: "Evaluating and extending the coverage of HPSG grammars: A case study for German", in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Marrakech, Morocco (2008) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Timothy Baldwin: "What to classify and how: Experiments in question classification for Japanese", in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING), Melbourne, Australia (2007) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan: "Using Minimal Recursion Semantics in Japanese Question Answering", Master's Thesis, The University of Melbourne (2007) [pdf bib]
- Rebecca Dridan and Francis Bond: "Sentence Comparison using Robust Minimal Recursion Semantics and an Ontology", in Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Distances, Sydney, Australia (2006) [pdf bib]
- UiO Language Technology Group
- Melbourne University Language Technology Group
- Computational Linguistics, Saarland University
Random References
- Google Scholar
- The Phrasal Lexicon by Joseph Becker